Source code for qinfer.derived_models

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Models that decorate and extend other models.
# © 2012 Chris Ferrie ( and
#        Christopher E. Granade (
# This file is a part of the Qinfer project.
# Licensed under the AGPL version 3.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

## FEATURES ###################################################################

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division # Ensures that a/b is always a float.

## ALL ########################################################################

# We use __all__ to restrict what globals are visible to external modules.
__all__ = [

## IMPORTS ####################################################################

from builtins import range
from functools import reduce

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import binom

from qinfer.utils import binomial_pdf, multinomial_pdf, sample_multinomial
from qinfer.abstract_model import Model, DifferentiableModel
from qinfer._lib import enum # <- TODO: replace with flufl.enum!
from qinfer.utils import binom_est_error
from import IntegerDomain, MultinomialDomain

## FUNCTIONS ###################################################################

def rmfield( a, *fieldnames_to_remove ):
    # Removes named fields from a structured np array
    return a[ [ name for name in a.dtype.names if name not in fieldnames_to_remove ] ]

## CLASSES #####################################################################

class DerivedModel(Model):
    Base class for any model that decorates another model.
    Provides passthroughs for modelparam_names, n_modelparams, etc.

    Many of these passthroughs can and should be overriden by
    specific subclasses, but it is rare that something will
    override all of them.
    _underlying_model = None
    def __init__(self, underlying_model):
        self._underlying_model = underlying_model
        super(DerivedModel, self).__init__()
    def underlying_model(self):
        return self._underlying_model

    def base_model(self):
        return self._underlying_model.base_model

    def model_chain(self):
        return self._underlying_model.model_chain + (self._underlying_model, )

    def n_modelparams(self):
        # We have as many modelparameters as the underlying model.
        return self.underlying_model.n_modelparams

    def expparams_dtype(self):
        return self.underlying_model.expparams_dtype
    def modelparam_names(self):
        return self.underlying_model.modelparam_names

    def Q(self):
        return self.underlying_model.Q
    def clear_cache(self):

    def n_outcomes(self, expparams):
        return self.underlying_model.n_outcomes(expparams)
    def are_models_valid(self, modelparams):
        return self.underlying_model.are_models_valid(modelparams)

    def domain(self, expparams):
        return self.underlying_model.domain(expparams)
    def are_expparam_dtypes_consistent(self, expparams):
        return self.underlying_model.are_expparam_dtypes_consistent(expparams)
    def update_timestep(self, modelparams, expparams):
        return self.underlying_model.update_timestep(modelparams, expparams)

    def canonicalize(self, modelparams):
        return self.underlying_model.canonicalize(modelparams)

PoisonModes = enum.enum("ALE", "MLE")

[docs]class PoisonedModel(DerivedModel): r""" Model that simulates sampling error incurred by the MLE or ALE methods of reconstructing likelihoods from sample data. The true likelihood given by an underlying model is perturbed by a normally distributed random variable :math:`\epsilon`, and then truncated to the interval :math:`[0, 1]`. The variance of :math:`\epsilon` can be specified either as a constant, to simulate ALE (in which samples are collected until a given threshold is met), or as proportional to the variance of a possibly-hedged binomial estimator, to simulate MLE. :param Model underlying_model: The "true" model to be poisoned. :param float tol: For ALE, specifies the given error tolerance to simulate. :param int n_samples: For MLE, specifies the number of samples collected. :param float hedge: For MLE, specifies the hedging used in estimating the true likelihood. """ def __init__(self, underlying_model, tol=None, n_samples=None, hedge=None ): super(PoisonedModel, self).__init__(underlying_model) if tol is None != n_samples is None: raise ValueError( "Exactly one of tol and n_samples must be specified" ) if tol is not None: self._mode = PoisonModes.ALE self._tol = tol else: self._mode = PoisonModes.MLE self._n_samples = n_samples self._hedge = hedge if hedge is not None else 0.0 ## METHODS ##
[docs] def likelihood(self, outcomes, modelparams, expparams): # By calling the superclass implementation, we can consolidate # call counting there. # Get the original, undisturbed likelihoods. super(PoisonedModel, self).likelihood(outcomes, modelparams, expparams) L = self.underlying_model.likelihood( outcomes, modelparams, expparams) # Now get the random variates from a standard normal [N(0, 1)] # distribution; we'll rescale them soon. epsilon = np.random.normal(size=L.shape) # If ALE, rescale by a constant tolerance. if self._mode == PoisonModes.ALE: epsilon *= self._tol # Otherwise, rescale by the estimated error in the binomial estimator. elif self._mode == PoisonModes.MLE: epsilon *= binom_est_error(p=L, N=self._n_samples, hedge=self._hedge) # Now we truncate and return. np.clip(L + epsilon, 0, 1, out=L) return L
[docs] def simulate_experiment(self, modelparams, expparams, repeat=1): """ Simulates experimental data according to the original (unpoisoned) model. Note that this explicitly causes the simulated data and the likelihood function to disagree. This is, strictly speaking, a violation of the assumptions made about `~qinfer.abstract_model.Model` subclasses. This violation is by intention, and allows for testing the robustness of inference algorithms against errors in that assumption. """ super(PoisonedModel, self).simulate_experiment(modelparams, expparams, repeat) return self.underlying_model.simulate_experiment(modelparams, expparams, repeat)
[docs]class BinomialModel(DerivedModel): """ Model representing finite numbers of iid samples from another model, using the binomial distribution to calculate the new likelihood function. :param qinfer.abstract_model.Model underlying_model: An instance of a two- outcome model to be decorated by the binomial distribution. Note that a new experimental parameter field ``n_meas`` is added by this model. This parameter field represents how many times a measurement should be made at a given set of experimental parameters. To ensure the correct operation of this model, it is important that the decorated model does not also admit a field with the name ``n_meas``. """ def __init__(self, underlying_model): super(BinomialModel, self).__init__(underlying_model) if not (underlying_model.is_n_outcomes_constant and underlying_model.n_outcomes(None) == 2): raise ValueError("Decorated model must be a two-outcome model.") if isinstance(underlying_model.expparams_dtype, str): # We default to calling the original experiment parameters "x". self._expparams_scalar = True self._expparams_dtype = [('x', underlying_model.expparams_dtype), ('n_meas', 'uint')] else: self._expparams_scalar = False self._expparams_dtype = underlying_model.expparams_dtype + [('n_meas', 'uint')] ## PROPERTIES ## @property def decorated_model(self): # Provided for backcompat only. return self.underlying_model @property def expparams_dtype(self): return self._expparams_dtype @property def is_n_outcomes_constant(self): """ Returns ``True`` if and only if the number of outcomes for each experiment is independent of the experiment being performed. This property is assumed by inference engines to be constant for the lifetime of a Model instance. """ return False ## METHODS ##
[docs] def n_outcomes(self, expparams): """ Returns an array of dtype ``uint`` describing the number of outcomes for each experiment specified by ``expparams``. :param numpy.ndarray expparams: Array of experimental parameters. This array must be of dtype agreeing with the ``expparams_dtype`` property. """ return expparams['n_meas'] + 1
[docs] def domain(self, expparams): """ Returns a list of ``Domain``s, one for each input expparam. :param numpy.ndarray expparams: Array of experimental parameters. This array must be of dtype agreeing with the ``expparams_dtype`` property, or, in the case where ``n_outcomes_constant`` is ``True``, ``None`` should be a valid input. :rtype: list of ``Domain`` """ return [IntegerDomain(min=0,max=n_o-1) for n_o in self.n_outcomes(expparams)]
[docs] def are_expparam_dtypes_consistent(self, expparams): """ Returns `True` iff all of the given expparams correspond to outcome domains with the same dtype. For efficiency, concrete subclasses should override this method if the result is always `True`. :param np.ndarray expparams: Array of expparamms of type `expparams_dtype` :rtype: `bool` """ # The output type is always the same, even though the domain is not. return True
[docs] def likelihood(self, outcomes, modelparams, expparams): # By calling the superclass implementation, we can consolidate # call counting there. super(BinomialModel, self).likelihood(outcomes, modelparams, expparams) pr1 = self.underlying_model.likelihood( np.array([1], dtype='uint'), modelparams, expparams['x'] if self._expparams_scalar else expparams) # Now we concatenate over outcomes. L = np.concatenate([ binomial_pdf(expparams['n_meas'][np.newaxis, :], outcomes[idx], pr1) for idx in range(outcomes.shape[0]) ]) assert not np.any(np.isnan(L)) return L
[docs] def simulate_experiment(self, modelparams, expparams, repeat=1): # FIXME: uncommenting causes a slowdown, but we need to call # to track sim counts. #super(BinomialModel, self).simulate_experiment(modelparams, expparams) # Start by getting the pr(1) for the underlying model. pr1 = self.underlying_model.likelihood( np.array([1], dtype='uint'), modelparams, expparams['x'] if self._expparams_scalar else expparams) dist = binom( expparams['n_meas'].astype('int'), # ← Really, NumPy? pr1[0, :, :] ) sample = ( (lambda: dist.rvs()[np.newaxis, :, :]) if pr1.size != 1 else (lambda: np.array([[[dist.rvs()]]])) ) os = np.concatenate([ sample() for idx in range(repeat) ], axis=0) return os[0,0,0] if os.size == 1 else os
[docs] def update_timestep(self, modelparams, expparams): return self.underlying_model.update_timestep(modelparams, expparams['x'] if self._expparams_scalar else expparams )
class DifferentiableBinomialModel(BinomialModel, DifferentiableModel): """ Extends :class:`BinomialModel` to take advantage of differentiable two-outcome models. """ def __init__(self, underlying_model): if not isinstance(underlying_model, DifferentiableModel): raise TypeError("Decorated model must also be differentiable.") BinomialModel.__init__(self, underlying_model) def score(self, outcomes, modelparams, expparams): raise NotImplementedError("Not yet implemented.") def fisher_information(self, modelparams, expparams): # Since the FI simply adds, we can multiply the single-shot # FI provided by the underlying model by the number of measurements # that we perform. two_outcome_fi = self.underlying_model.fisher_information( modelparams, expparams ) return two_outcome_fi * expparams['n_meas']
[docs]class MultinomialModel(DerivedModel): """ Model representing finite numbers of iid samples from another model with a fixed and finite number of outcomes, using the multinomial distribution to calculate the new likelihood function. :param qinfer.abstract_model.FiniteOutcomeModel underlying_model: An instance of a D-outcome model to be decorated by the multinomial distribution. This underlying model must have ``is_n_outcomes_constant`` as ``True``. Note that a new experimental parameter field ``n_meas`` is added by this model. This parameter field represents how many times a measurement should be made at a given set of experimental parameters. To ensure the correct operation of this model, it is important that the decorated model does not also admit a field with the name ``n_meas``. """ ## INITIALIZER ## def __init__(self, underlying_model): super(MultinomialModel, self).__init__(underlying_model) if isinstance(underlying_model.expparams_dtype, str): # We default to calling the original experiment parameters "x". self._expparams_scalar = True self._expparams_dtype = [('x', underlying_model.expparams_dtype), ('n_meas', 'uint')] else: self._expparams_scalar = False self._expparams_dtype = underlying_model.expparams_dtype + [('n_meas', 'uint')] # Demand that the underlying model always has the same number of outcomes # This assumption could in principle be generalized, but not worth the effort now. assert(self.underlying_model.is_n_outcomes_constant) self._underlying_domain = self.underlying_model.domain(None) self._n_sides = self._underlying_domain.n_members # Useful for getting the right type, etc. self._example_domain = MultinomialDomain(n_elements=self.n_sides, n_meas=3) ## PROPERTIES ## @property def decorated_model(self): # Provided for backcompat only. return self.underlying_model @property def expparams_dtype(self): return self._expparams_dtype @property def is_n_outcomes_constant(self): """ Returns ``True`` if and only if the number of outcomes for each experiment is independent of the experiment being performed. This property is assumed by inference engines to be constant for the lifetime of a Model instance. """ # Different values of n_meas result in different numbers of outcomes return False @property def n_sides(self): """ Returns the number of possible outcomes of the underlying model. """ return self._n_sides @property def underlying_domain(self): """ Returns the `Domain` of the underlying model. """ return self._underlying_domain ## METHODS ##
[docs] def n_outcomes(self, expparams): """ Returns an array of dtype ``uint`` describing the number of outcomes for each experiment specified by ``expparams``. :param numpy.ndarray expparams: Array of experimental parameters. This array must be of dtype agreeing with the ``expparams_dtype`` property. """ # Standard combinatorial formula equal to the number of # possible tuples whose non-negative integer entries sum to n_meas. n = expparams['n_meas'] k = self.n_sides return scipy.special.binom(n + k - 1, k - 1)
[docs] def domain(self, expparams): """ Returns a list of :class:`Domain` objects, one for each input expparam. :param numpy.ndarray expparams: Array of experimental parameters. This array must be of dtype agreeing with the ``expparams_dtype`` property. :rtype: list of ``Domain`` """ return [ MultinomialDomain(n_elements=self.n_sides, n_meas=ep['n_meas']) for ep in expparams ]
[docs] def are_expparam_dtypes_consistent(self, expparams): """ Returns `True` iff all of the given expparams correspond to outcome domains with the same dtype. For efficiency, concrete subclasses should override this method if the result is always `True`. :param np.ndarray expparams: Array of expparamms of type `expparams_dtype` :rtype: `bool` """ # The output type is always the same, even though the domain is not. return True
[docs] def likelihood(self, outcomes, modelparams, expparams): # By calling the superclass implementation, we can consolidate # call counting there. super(MultinomialModel, self).likelihood(outcomes, modelparams, expparams) # Save a wee bit of time by only calculating the likelihoods of outcomes 0,...,d-2 prs = self.underlying_model.likelihood( self.underlying_domain.values[:-1], modelparams, expparams['x'] if self._expparams_scalar else expparams) # shape (sides-1, n_mps, n_eps) prs = np.tile(prs, (outcomes.shape[0],1,1,1)).transpose((1,0,2,3)) # shape (n_outcomes, sides-1, n_mps, n_eps) os = self._example_domain.to_regular_array(outcomes) # shape (n_outcomes, sides) os = np.tile(os, (modelparams.shape[0],expparams.shape[0],1,1)).transpose((3,2,0,1)) # shape (n_outcomes, sides, n_mps, n_eps) L = multinomial_pdf(os, prs) assert not np.any(np.isnan(L)) return L
[docs] def simulate_experiment(self, modelparams, expparams, repeat=1): super(MultinomialModel, self).simulate_experiment(modelparams, expparams) n_sides = self.n_sides n_mps = modelparams.shape[0] n_eps = expparams.shape[0] # Save a wee bit of time by only calculating the likelihoods of outcomes 0,...,d-2 prs = np.empty((n_sides,n_mps,n_eps)) prs[:-1,...] = self.underlying_model.likelihood( self.underlying_domain.values[:-1], modelparams, expparams['x'] if self._expparams_scalar else expparams) # shape (sides, n_mps, n_eps) os = np.concatenate([ sample_multinomial(n_meas, prs[:,:,idx_n_meas], size=repeat)[np.newaxis,...] for idx_n_meas, n_meas in enumerate(expparams['n_meas'].astype('int')) ]).transpose((3,2,0,1)) # convert to fancy data type os = self._example_domain.from_regular_array(os) return os[0,0,0] if os.size == 1 else os
[docs]class MLEModel(DerivedModel): r""" Uses the method of [JDD08]_ to approximate the maximum likelihood estimator as the mean of a fictional posterior formed by amplifying the Bayes update by a given power :math:`\gamma`. As :math:`\gamma \to \infty`, this approximation to the MLE improves, but at the cost of numerical stability. :param float likelihood_power: Power to which the likelihood calls should be rasied in order to amplify the Bayes update. """ def __init__(self, underlying_model, likelihood_power): super(MLEModel, self).__init__(underlying_model) self._pow = likelihood_power
[docs] def simulate_experiment(self, modelparams, expparams, repeat=1): super(MLEModel, self).simulate_experiment(modelparams, expparams, repeat) return self.underlying_model.simulate_experiment(modelparams, expparams, repeat)
[docs] def likelihood(self, outcomes, modelparams, expparams): L = self.underlying_model.likelihood(outcomes, modelparams, expparams) return L**self._pow
class RandomWalkModel(DerivedModel): r""" Model such that after each time step, a random perturbation is added to each model parameter vector according to a given distribution. :param Model underlying_model: Model representing the likelihood with no random walk added. :param Distribution step_distribution: Distribution over step vectors. """ def __init__(self, underlying_model, step_distribution): self._step_dist = step_distribution super(RandomWalkModel, self).__init__(underlying_model) if self.underlying_model.n_modelparams != self._step_dist.n_rvs: raise TypeError("Step distribution does not match model dimension.") ## METHODS ## def likelihood(self, outcomes, modelparams, expparams): super(RandomWalkModel, self).likelihood(outcomes, modelparams, expparams) return self.underlying_model.likelihood(outcomes, modelparams, expparams) def simulate_experiment(self, modelparams, expparams, repeat=1): super(RandomWalkModel, self).simulate_experiment(modelparams, expparams, repeat) return self.underlying_model.simulate_experiment(modelparams, expparams, repeat) def update_timestep(self, modelparams, expparams): # Note that the timestep update is presumed to be independent of the # experiment. steps = self._step_dist.sample(n=modelparams.shape[0] * expparams.shape[0]) # Break apart the first two axes and transpose. steps = steps.reshape((modelparams.shape[0], expparams.shape[0], self.n_modelparams)) steps = steps.transpose((0, 2, 1)) return modelparams[:, :, np.newaxis] + steps ## TESTING CODE ############################################################### if __name__ == "__main__": import operator as op from .test_models import SimplePrecessionModel m = BinomialModel(SimplePrecessionModel()) os = np.array([6, 7, 8, 9, 10]) mps = np.array([[0.1], [0.35], [0.77]]) eps = np.array([(0.5 * np.pi, 10), (0.51 * np.pi, 10)], dtype=m.expparams_dtype) L = m.likelihood( os, mps, eps ) print(L) assert m.call_count == reduce(op.mul, [os.shape[0], mps.shape[0], eps.shape[0]]), "Call count inaccurate." assert L.shape == (os.shape[0], mps.shape[0], eps.shape[0]), "Shape mismatch."